Clay Sanskrit Library Newsletter Autumn 2008: Reviews Special

The New Republic Review

The Arrow and the Poem

David Shulman
The New Republic. Wednesday, August 13, 2008
CLAY SANSKRIT LIBRARY. New York University Press

Toward the end of the Sakuntala, the most famous of the three surviving plays by Kalidasa-the poet usually considered the finest in ancient India-the hero Dushyanta offers this poignant self-analysis:


Clay Sanskrit Library Newsletter: June 2008


Two new volumes of the “Maha·bhárata” are now available to order: ‘Preparations for War’ (volume one), which contains a fascinating philosophical passage, the Sanat·sujatíyam that parallels the “Bhagavad Gita,” translated engrossingly by Kathleen Garbutt, and Adam Bowles’s gripping conclusion of ‘Karna’ (volume two).

Patrick Olivelle’s “Life of the Buddha” includes an incisive study which shows how Ashva·ghosha elegantly subsumed the mainstream Brahmanical ideology within a Buddhist discourse.


Clay Sanskrit Library Newsletter: September 2007


The four volumes to be released this autumn embody the broad spectrum of Sanskrit literature covered by the Clay Sanskrit Library. Judit Törzsök’s double bill presents her fresh translation of the entertaining fables of ‘Friendly Advice’ as well as ‘King Víkrama’s Adventures.’ With many helpful notes this volume is ideal for Sanskrit learners and younger Sanskritists. Linda Covill’s Buddhist romance (and anti-romance) brings one of India’s oldest kāvya works to a modern English readership. Justin Meiland’s translation of the concluding part of ‘Shalya’ describes graphically the downfall of Dur·yódhana. Sheldon Pollock, now our joint General Editor, gives us the classic dramatization of the famous Ramáyana story in his ‘Rama’s Last Act.’ You can download excerpts of these volumes and more on our website.


Clay Sanskrit Library Newsletter: May 2007


The twists and turns in King Harsha’s two plays about a lady are guaranteed to intrigue every reader. Translation of the famous epic of the Maha·bhárata is in full swing with two new volumes available this spring. We also offer the first volume of the monumental narrative of the Ocean of the Rivers of Story. Of course, excerpts from all these volumes are available on our website and you can also read translators’ personal accounts of their volumes in their insights pages.


Clay Sanskrit Library Newsletter: November 2006


These three new volumes are now available. You can also read excerpts from these volumes.

Maha·bhárata Book Two: The Great Hall
Paul Wilmot (Download excerpt)

Ramáyana Book Five: Súndara by Vālmīki
Robert P. Goldman and Sally Sutherland Goldman (Download excerpt)

The Recognition of Shakúntala (Kashmir Recension) by Kālidāsa
Somadeva Vasudeva (Download excerpt)


Clay Sanskrit Library Newsletter: July 2006


These four new volumes are now available to order. You can also read excerpts from these volumes.

The Epitome of Queen Lilávati (volume two of two) by Jinaratna
Richard Fynes (Download excerpt)

Five Discourses on Worldly Wisdom
Patrick Olivelle (Download excerpt)


Clay Sanskrit Library Newsletter: May 2006


These four new volumes will be available in May. Four new excerpts are available for download.

The Epitome of Queen Lilávati (volume two of two) by Jinaratna
Richard Fynes
The second volume of The Epitome of Queen Lilávati concludes Jina·ratna’s story. Embodied souls undergo all too human adventures in a succession of lives, as they advance to final release. (Download excerpt)


Clay Sanskrit Library Newsletter : January 2006

A Message from the General Editor

Dear CSL Supporter,

We begin 2006 with the bold resolution to catch up with our production schedule. As you know, our target is to publish 100 volumes by the end of 2009, just four years from now. For a small enterprise such as ours, that is quite an undertaking. However, nearly all volumes have now been commissioned and the experience gained with the first few volumes should stand us in good stead.

Our other urgent aim is to enhance the web site: we both want to put more material on it ourselves, and to make it a forum for discussion. We have begun to put up answers to frequently asked questions, and we would welcome from you any further questions you may have. You may be particularly interested in my defence of our printing Sanskrit in roman characters; it is astonishing how few people realise that no classical Sanskrit literature was first written down in devanagari.
