List of Abbreviations
Manuscripts, Commentaries, and Editions Used in Volume 1, Following the Conventions Established in the Crit. Ed. of the Bālakāṇḍa (see pp. xiii-xiv)
I. Manuscripts
Northern Manuscripts (N)
(21 MSS — including 10 Devanāgarī)
Northwestern Manuscripts (NW)
ŚŚ1 Śāradā NW undated (=)
Northeastern Manuscripts (NE)
- Ñ Nepālī Ñ1 a.d. 1020 Ñ2 a.d. 1675
- V Maithilī V1 a.d. 1360 V2 a.d. 1551 V3 a.d. 1831 V4 a.d. 1836
- B Bengālī B1 a.d. 1688 B2 a.d. 1789 B3 a.d. 1832 B4 undated
- D Devanāgarī manuscripts aligned with N D1 a.d. 1455 W D2 a.d. 1594 W D3 a.d. 1717 W D5 a.d. 1786 NW D7 a.d. 1817 NW D9 a.d. 1848 W D10 undated NE D11 undated NW D12 undated NW D13 undated NW
Southern Manuscripts (S)
(16 MSS — including 5 Devanāgarī)
- T Telegu T1 undated T2 undated T3 undated
- G Grantha G1 a.d. 1818 G2 undated G3 undated G4 undated
- M Malayālam M1 a.d. 1512 M2 a.d. 1690 M3 a.d. 1823 M4 undated
- D Devanāgarī manuscripts aligned with S Dt the ‘vulgate’; the version of Tilaka undated D4 a.d. 1774 D6 a.d. 1796 D8 a.d. 1831 D14 undated
II. Commentaries
(Note: Spelling follows the conventions established by the crit. ed., see vol. 7, pp. 655-56.)
Ck | the commentary called the Amṛtakataka of Kataka Mādhav Yogīndra |
Crā | the commentary called Rāmānujīya of Rāmānuja [Note 1] |
Cm | the commentary called Tattvadīpikā of Maheśvaratīrtha |
Ctś | the commentary called Taniśloki of Ātreya Ahobala |
Ct | the commentary called Tilaka of Nāgeśa Bhaṭṭa, composed in the name of Rāmavarmā |
Cg | the commentary called Bhūṣaṇa (the name of the commentary on the Bālakāṇḍa is the Maṇimañjirā) of Govindarāja |
Cv | the commentary called Vivekatilaka of Varadarāja Uḍāli (Uḍāri) |
Cmu | the commentary called Munibhāvaprakāśikā — author unknown |
Cr | the commentary called Rāmāyaṇa Śiromaṇi of Vaṃśīdhara (Bansidhara) Śivasahāya [Note 1] |
III. Editions
GPP | Gujarati Printing Press (also called the vulgate). Rāmāyan of Vālmīki. 7 vols. Bombay: Gujarati Printing Press, 1914-1920. With three commentaries called Tilaka, Shiromani, and Bhooshana. |
VSP | (Venkateśvara Steam Press). Śrīmadvālmīkirāmāyaṇa. 3 vols. Bombay: Lakṣmīvenkateśvara Mudraṇālaya, 1935. Edited by Gaṅgāviṣṇu Śrīkṛṣṇadāsa. |
IV. Journals
AJP | American Journal of Philology |
ABORI | Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute |
AOR | Annals of Oriental Research (University of Madras) |
IA | Indian Antiquary |
IHQ | Indian Historical Quarterly |
IIJ | Indo-Iranian Journal |
IL | Indian Linguistics |
IR | Indian Review |
JAOS | Journal of the American Oriental Society |
JAS | Journal of Asian Studies |
JASB(L) | Journal of the Asiatic Society, Bengal (Letters) |
JA | Journal Asiatique |
JBORS | Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society |
JIH | Journal of Indian History |
JIP | Journal of Indian Philosophy |
JOIB | Journal of the Oriental Institute, Baroda |
JORM | Journal of Oriental Research, Madras |
JRAS | Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society |
JUB | Journal of the University of Bombay |
PO | Poona Orientalist |
QJMS | Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society |
RO | Rocznik Orjentalistyczny |
ZDMG | Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft |
V. Commonly Quoted Sanskrit Texts
AdhyāRā | Adhyātmarāmāyaṇa |
AmaK | Amarakośa |
ĀpaŚS | Āpastambaśrautasūtra |
ĀśvaŚS | Āśvalāyanaśrautasūtra |
UttaRāCa | Uttararāmacarita |
AitBr | Aitareya Brāhmaṇa |
KumāSaṃ | Kumārasaṃbhava |
KauṭArthŚā | Kauṭilya Arthaśāstra |
ChāndoU | Chāndogyopaniṣad |
Pā | Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī |
PadmP | Padmapurāṇa |
BhagGī | Bhagavadgītā |
BhāgP | Bhāgavatapurāṇa |
ManuSm | Manusmṛti |
MBh | Mahābhārata |
RaghuVa | Raghuvaṃśa |
Rām | Rāmāyaṇa |
VājaS | Vājasaneyisamhitā |
VāmaP | Vāmanapurāṇa |
ŚatBr | Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa |
HariVaṃ | Harivaṃśa |
VI. Other Important Abbreviations
crit. app. | critical apparatus |
crit. ed. | critical edition |
crit. notes | critical notes |
PW | Petersburg Wörterbuch: Böhtlingk, Otto and Rudolph Roth. Sanskrit-Wörterbuch. |