The Digital Clay Sanskrit Library (eCSL) and the Centre for Manuscript and Text Cultures (CMTC) entered into a collaboration in 2022 to promote the study of the manuscript cultures of South Asia and other world regions that have not received sufficient appreciation in Anglophone scholarship. To showcase this collaboration, in each of its issues the interdisciplinary Journal Manuscript and Text Cultures (MTC) highlights select excerpts from the wealth of texts in the Digital Clay Sanskrit Library (eCSL).
CMTC values the opportunity to collaborate with the eCSL to promote its mission to disseminate research that is at once specialised and interdisciplinary, exploring how knowledge and meaning are shaped and sustained by material conditions, past and present, while the eCSL provides a resource for the general public to become familiar with the rich history of Sanskrit literature.
Bodleian Libraries MS. Ind. Inst. Misc. 21. A depiction of Krishna and Rādhā from an album of Kalighat paintings from 19th century Calcutta.These images were created as inexpensive souvenirs for Hindu pilgrims visiting the famous temple of Kali. The paintings are bound in a single volume, which includes eight hand-coloured woodcut prints (ff. 29–36).
Manuscript and Text Cultures
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Writing orality
Click here to view the MTC Journal and visit the eCSL display on pages 224 thru 227.